“A wise ruler expects enemy attacks and a probable ruin, but they don’t despair. Exceptional rulers know they can win using their riches and are cautious where they spend each coin.” That’s what Kingdom is all about.

The developers, Marco Bancale and Thomas Van der Berg, in conjunction with Raw Fury, created this engaging Kingdom building game on Steam that will get you deep into the night trying to build an empire on foreign land.


Kingdom is a 2D kingdom building game that combines sidescrolling strategy and resource management in a minimalistic, detailed screen with stand-alone graphics. A player chooses a king or queen character riding on a horseback. Its sidescrolling control-feature means that players can only move their horses in only two directions, left and right. During the journey, the player’s character passes through several landmarks that earn them coins when they gallop over them.

As you move around, destitute peasants along the way beg for help. You need to use your resources such as gold coins to make them your loyal subjects. Some become craftsmen and blacksmiths building weapons and tools of war. As the game progresses, more opportunities to bolster your troops and defenses present themselves. For example, when you come across a subject within the kingdom who has a tool, you can spend coin on them and build your defenses.

Gathering coins through expeditions in the wilderness is an excellent means of strengthening the kingdom. Going further away from the castle becomes dangerous to not only the ruler (player’s characters) but also the subjects. You’ll conquer lands through the day and night, but dangerous creatures creep in the shadows at night. Sometimes a blood moon may appear, which signals an imminent attack by large troops of opponents. Once the creatures desecrate the empire, their job is to loot the already-gathered resources. It gets worse if you haven’t amassed wealth yet, because they will come for your crown. That’s the worst-case scenario because it means you’ve failed to safeguard your kingdom.

Kingdom: New Lands

The second-version of Kingdom Steam continues with the legacy of the mystery of conquering new lands, like its predecessor, the original classic Kingdom building game in the sequel. The creators aimed to create an improved gaming experience with additional content without compromising the minimalistic and engaging storyline. In Kingdom; New Land, you’ll be astonished about how expansive your kingdom has become. You’ll ride through mountains, meeting merchants and vagrants who’ve inhabited these regions for years. Don’t forget that you’re still at war; this time, the threat not only comes from ferocious creatures but from environmental elements.

Kingdom: Two Crowns

Released in 2018, the latest version of Kingdom Steam, Two Crowns, introduces a new campaign mode. Players playing this kingdom building game on Steam have to build an empire and ensure it thrives for a long time. You need to organize your troops, build strong defenses, and ensure that the multitudes of the Greedy legion are destroyed for good. Exploit the new lands while discovering new mounts and kingdoms with hidden treasures.

Kingdom: Two Crowns also alleviates the pressure of establishing a kingdom from nothing at such a time when you are vulnerable. On top of the classic solo campaign, a player can combine forces with a friend in a 2-player mode. They can either play online or locally with a chance of opting out and rejoining as they please.

Play Kingdom in Virtually All Gaming Devices

Kingdom is a game with an IGF nomination title, and for good reasons. Since its establishment, the creators of this video game have worked to ensure that every person has access to it. In 2015, they developed the game for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and OS X. That was followed by the inclusion of Xbox One ports in 2016 and input slots for Android and iOS in 2017, respectively. Currently, even Nintendo Switch and Play Station 4 users can enjoy playing Kingdom.

Kingdom fans and other gaming enthusiasts have applauded this classic kingdom building game for its music and graphics. One thing that players love about it is the fact that players need to act fast and rationally when under pressure. However, an equally significant number have expressed the difficulties in performing some tasks. Ultimately, it affects the end game and the willingness to replay.